ONIX Metadata

ONIX Metadata

ONIX metadata

The Luisterhuis catalogue of audiobook products contains all metadata of the audiobooks, like author, publisher, prices et cetera. The data is supplied in XML following the international ONIX 3.0 guidelines.

ONIX for Books is a worldwide XML standard to describe book information. It enables connecting the servers of publishers, distributors and retailers, without any conversion or manual data entry of the book data. Information about the ONIX standard is available online on www.editeur.org

It is important to know that to process the Luisterhuis XML files, you will have to 'know' how ONIX works. We can recommend downloading the documentation here: http://www.editeur.org/93/Release- 3.0-Downloads/

Chapter 5 contains information about the specific ONIX elements for audiobooks.

The basic steps to sell audiobooks using Luisterhuis API’s

It all starts with the initial retrieval of the product catalogue from Luisterhuis to incorporate the metadata in your own system. After the Luisterhuis audiobook products are available in your system, you can sell them to your customers. You will also have to check regularly if there are new or changed products. (New products and updated metadata are added on a daily basis; sometimes the price or the description of an existing product can change). The functions for catalogue retrieval are described in Chapter 4.

When an audiobook is being sold from your system, it is common practice to first check if the product is still available at Luisterhuis. So, before you accept payment from your customer, check the availability. There is an API call for that. (In fact: there are two ways of checking: you can simply check, or you can combine the checking with the placement of an order). The reason is not that the product can be out of stock, but the product can be withdrawn from the catalogue due to commercial or legal reasons. The functions for order placement are described in Chapter 6.

After you have received a confirmation that the product is still available, you can proceed to the checkout procedure in your own shop and accept payment from your customer.

When your shop places an order at Luisterhuis, you will have to supply Luisterhuis with some details of the order, like the product(s) to order, the customer name and/or their e-mail address and your internal order number. After Luisterhuis accepts your order, it will supply you with a Luisterhuis order id.

Using this Luisterhuis order id, your shop can request the download link. This download link can be stored in a private area on your site, available only for your end user. And/or you can send the link by e-mail to your end user. Using this link, the end user can download the ZIP files containing the audiobooks. The functions for handling the download links are described in Chapter 7.

Accounting and reporting

Luisterhuis handles all end user orders and fulfils the download links. Therefore Luisterhuis ‘knows’ about every end user transaction. Luisterhuis aggregates this data for the various publishers and uses this data for invoicing and pay-out purposes.

Depending on the agreement the web shop has with CB, they might receive a monthly or quarterly receipt with a detailed description of all audiobooks retrieved, played and/or sold.

A representative of the web shop (usually a member of the support desk) also has access to a real time report of all transactions and sales reports through a dashboard located at www.luisterhuis.nl/reseller or stub-www.luisterhuis.nl/reseller (testing purposes).

This dashboard offers an overview of all available titles, all basic metadata and all transactions. The dashboard can also be used to reset already used (or expired) download links. The dashboard is described in detail in Chapter 8: Reseller dashboard for web shops.

API for catalogue and metadata

Summary of functions

Luisterhuis uses a RESTful web service to provide all audiobook metadata to a web shop.

The interface offers the following API functions:

  • Catalogue metadata in ONIX 3 format
  • Single product metadata in ONIX 3 format

It is best practice to call the API once a day every 24 hours (for instance every night between 02:00 and 06:00).

Catalogue metadata in ONIX 3 format

To retrieve all metadata of all available audiobooks available for the web shop you can use the inventory API call. The inventory call supports the retrieval of ONIX metadata of a full catalogue (inventory) or only the updates over a certain period (‘what’s new since yesterday’).


Offset defines the number of products to be skipped. Default is 0.
Limit defines the number of products in the ONIX. Default is 200, max is 500.


Modifiedfrom filters on new and modified products from specified date and
time. Format date YYYYMMDDHHIISS, YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day,
HH = hour, II = minute, SS = second

Timezone: CET/CEST (= UTC+2)


To retrieve the first 100 ONIX metadata records from all products, use:


 Click here to expand for ONIX message with 1 complete product metadata
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" release="3.0">
					<TitleText>Alles wat je wilt weten over het heelal</TitleText>
					<Subtitle>Een Time2Learn luistercursus over het heelal</Subtitle>
					<IDTypeName>Luisterhuis AuthorID</IDTypeName>
				<PersonName>Noortje Henrichs</PersonName>
				<BiographicalNote textformat="02"><![CDATA[<br />]]></BiographicalNote>
					<IDTypeName>Luisterhuis AuthorID</IDTypeName>
				<PersonName>Adrienne Simons</PersonName>
				<BiographicalNote textformat="02"><![CDATA[<br />]]></BiographicalNote>
				<PersonName>Martijn Warnas</PersonName>
				<PersonName>Adrienne Simons</PersonName>
				<PersonName>Matthé Smit</PersonName>
				<Text><![CDATA[Wat is een zwart-gat? Hoe lang heeft de aarde nog? Hoe is het universum ontstaan? Time2Learn legt het allemaal uit in duidelijke taal. Een complete cursus in één uur.]]></Text>
					<Date dateformat="00">20061115</Date>
				<Text textformat="02"><![CDATA[Hebben sterrenstelsels en planeten altijd je fantasie geprikkeld? En ben je altijd geïnteresseerd geweest in alles wat buiten onze dampkring te vinden is? Dan is deze cursus een must!<br />
<br />In deze Time2Learn kun je genieten van de volgende modules: De aarde, de zon en de maan, de planeten, sterren en sterrenstelsels, Het einde van sterren, de oerknal en leven in de ruimte. We wensen je een leerzame tijd toe!<br>
Wil jij weten wat het universum jou te bieden heeft! Deze cursus vertelt je alles wat je moet weten!<br> 
- Wat is de Big-Crunch theorie?<br>
- Hoe snel draait onze aarde?<br>
- Wie speelde er golf op de maan?<br>
- Wat is een zwart-gat?<br>
- Hoelang heeft onze aarde nog?<br>
En nog veel meer dan dat!<br />]]></Text>
					<ResourceLink datestamp="20200403T140451">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/cover/875e5c7f-43b4-4978-ae23-6672cfa9e8cf</ResourceLink>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200128</Date>
					<ResourceLink datestamp="20200403T140451">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/cover/98cfe6ee-3462-45ab-b7cf-5079da571c2d</ResourceLink>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200128</Date>
					<ResourceLink datestamp="20200403T140455">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/sample/01019cc1-b2b5-4b5b-80d7-e51e892cee59,1</ResourceLink>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200128</Date>
					<WebsiteDescription>Website uitgeverij</WebsiteDescription>
				<Date dateformat="00">20061115</Date>
(This is a partial ONIX message with 1 complete Product record. See Chapter 5 for more information about ONIX).

Due to the size of the resulting metadata file, it’s not possible to retrieve all metadata for all titles in a single call. The limit for a single call is 500 titles. Therefore, it is necessary to retrieve the metadata in multiple calls using the offset&limit parameters, and to collect all result sets on your server. The modifiedfrom parameter is used to select a subset of all new or modified products since a specific date.

Usually, all these parameters are combined. The following example shows how the first, second and subsequent 500 ONIX metadata records from all new and modified products, since June 24, 2020 at 02.00.00, can be retrieved:


and so on, until no Product elements are returned. Such an ‘empty’ result set looks like this:

 Click here to expand for example 'empty' result set
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" release="3.0">

Single product metadata in ONIX 3 format

If you know the ISBN of an audiobook and want to retrieve an uptodate metadata record, you could use the ‘product’ API call. All product metadata of a single audiobook can be retrieved like this:

Action/v3/product/isbn/[ISBN]     /* 13 character ISBN/EAN/UPC/GS1 product identifier*/

all metadata of an audiobook with ISBN 9789024577934, use this REST call:


 Click here to expand example of complete Product record
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" release="3.0">
						<TitleText>Robert Langdon</TitleText>
					<Subtitle>Auteur van De Da Vinci Code</Subtitle>
					<IDTypeName>Luisterhuis AuthorID</IDTypeName>
				<PersonName>Dan Brown</PersonName>
				<BiographicalNote textformat="02"><![CDATA[<b>Dan Brown</b> (1964) is een van de succesvolste thrillerauteurs van het moment. Hij brak wereldwijd door met zijn thrillers <i>De Da Vinci Code</i>, <i>Het Bernini Mysterie</i>, <i>Het Verloren Symbool</i> en <i>Inferno</i>. September 2016, dertien jaar na het fenomenale, internationale succes van <i>De Da Vinci Code</i>, verschijnt  een Young Adult versie voor 13+ van deze wereldwijde bestseller.<br />
<br />
Als zoon van een prijswinnend wiskundige en een moeder die religieuze muziek speelde, werd Dan Brown in zijn jeugd omringd door de tegengestelde ideeën van wetenschap en geloof. Deze tegenstellingen vormden de inspiratiebron voor <i>Het Bernini Mysterie</i>, het eerste boek met professor Robert Langdon in de hoofdrol. <br />
<br />
Tot hij besloot zich volledig op het schrijven te storten, doceerde Dan Brown Engels aan de Philips Exeter Acadamy. Samen met zijn vrouw Blythe, die kunsthistorica en schilderes is, gaat hij regelmatig op reis om research voor zijn boeken te doen.<br />
<br />
Op 3 oktober 2017 verscheen <i>Origin</i>, het nieuwe boek van Dan Brown.<br />
					<WebsiteDescription>Website van de auteur</WebsiteDescription>
					<WebsiteDescription>Twitteradres van de auteur</WebsiteDescription>
					<WebsiteDescription>Facebookpagina van de auteur</WebsiteDescription>
				<PersonName>Casper Gimbrère</PersonName>
				<SubjectHeadingText>dan brown;geschiedenis;kunst;mysterie;religie;spanning;wetenschap</SubjectHeadingText>
				<Text><![CDATA[In 'Oorsprong' houdt Robert Langdon zich bezig met de vragen: Waar komen wij vandaan en waar gaan wij naartoe? Vol moderne kunst, innovatieve technologie, religie en geschiedenis.]]></Text>
					<Date dateformat="00">20171003</Date>
				<Text textformat="02"><![CDATA[In Oorsprong van Dan Brown keert Robert Langdon weer terug om een van de grootste mysteries in zijn carrière op te lossen. 

Robert Langdon, hoogleraar kunstgeschiedenis en symboliek, is te gast in het hypermoderne Guggenheim-museum in Bilbao, voor een belangrijke onthulling die de wetenschap voor altijd zal veranderen. De gastheer van de avond is Edmond Kirsch, een veertigjarige miljardair en futuroloog wiens oogverblindende hightech uitvindingen en gewaagde uitspraken hem wereldberoemd hebben gemaakt. Maar de zorgvuldig georkestreerde avond barst plotseling uit in chaos, waardoor Kirsch’ waardevolle ontdekking voorgoed dreigt te verdwijnen. 
Samen met de elegante museumdirecteur Ambra Vidal vlucht Langdon naar Barcelona, waar ze een spoor volgen dat ze uiteindelijk oog in oog zal brengen met Kirsch’ schokkende ontdekking…]]></Text>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200127</Date>
					<ResourceLink datestamp="20200129T104331">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/cover/c2e347e7-7f60-47c3-876d-1adb2005ba81</ResourceLink>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200129</Date>
					<ResourceLink datestamp="20200129T104331">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/cover/4aaa36c3-b297-4686-b9ba-f8f8e736cd59</ResourceLink>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200129</Date>
					<ResourceLink datestamp="20200825T150803">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/sample/377dfd1e-731a-4047-8040-ee051231f2b1,1</ResourceLink>
						<Date dateformat="00">20200129</Date>
				<ImprintName>Uitgeverij Luitingh-Sijthoff</ImprintName>
				<PublisherName>LS Amsterdam</PublisherName>
					<WebsiteDescription>Website uitgeverij</WebsiteDescription>
					<WebsiteDescription>Twitteradres van de uitgeverij</WebsiteDescription>
					<WebsiteDescription>Facebookpagina van de uitgeverij</WebsiteDescription>
				<Date dateformat="00">20171003</Date>

See Chapter 5 for more information about ONIX.

ONIX metadata


The Luisterhuis catalogue of audiobook products contains all metadata of the audiobooks, like author, publisher, prices et cetera. The data is supplied in XML following the ONIX 3.0 guidelines.

ONIX for Books is a worldwide XML standard to describe book information, to be able to connect the servers of publishers, distributors and retailers, without any conversion or manual data entry of the book data. Information about the ONIX standard is available online on www.editeur.org. We recommend downloading the most current documentation on http://www.editeur.org/93/Release-3.0-Downloads/

The current supported ONIX version by Luisterhuis is a subset of ONIX 3.0 revision 7 with ONIX Code Lists Issue 49. Please note: the ONIX metadata will always be supplied using full reference names.
In this chapter we’ll discuss the subset used by Luisterhuis. Test ONIX XML-files are available on request.

Web shop specific ONIX

Luisterhuis creates web shop specific ONIX metadata. The content is based on a combination of parameters of the underlying CB Online system. The ONIX is tailored and personalized to the specific web shop. For instance, catalogue selection, pricing and publication dates can differ from web shop to web shop based on agreements with publishers.

Local ONIX best practices

Since CB and Luisterhuis both have their roots in the Dutch language publishing market, the ONIX 3.0 subset used by Luisterhuis is highly compatible with the Dutch ONIX subset defined by CB. CB is Charter Member of EDItEUR and takes part in the Dutch language ONIX working group. CB maintains the ‘best practice’ for ONIX in the Dutch language area.

The following paragraphs describe the specific ONIX implementation and best practices for the Dutch market.

ProductForm and PrimaryContentType

For digital audiobooks, the following <ProductForm> is used:

<PrimaryContentType>01</ PrimaryContentType>

The following values for <PrimaryContentType> are supported:

  • 01 Audio (audiobook)
  • 02 Performance (audio drama, theatre, cabaret)
  • 03 Music Recording 
  • 04 Other Audio (nature sounds, soundscapes) 
  • 13 Other Speech Content (lectures, interviews, discussions, audio tours)

Title and collection

The ONIX metadata supports the following title and collection elements:

Title detail:

  • Title (Title is alway available. The elements are optional)
  • Sub title
 Click here for an example without collection
					<TitleText>Alles wat je wilt weten over het heelal</TitleText>
					<Subtitle>Een Time2Learn luistercursus over het heelal</Subtitle>


  • Series title
  • Series part number
 Click here for an example with collection
						<TitleText>Robert Langdon</TitleText>
					<Subtitle>Auteur van De Da Vinci Code</Subtitle>

Contributor roles

Audiobook metadata supports the following contributor roles:

  • A01 Author of the work 
  • E07 Read by (reader of recorded text) 
  • B06 Translator (optionally)

PrefixToKey in contributor elements

In the Dutch language area <PrefixToKey> is used for all relevant contributor names (authors, narrators) with a typical Dutch prefix in their last name. For instance, the name ‘Dirkjan van Ittersum’ will be supplied in the ONIX as follows:

Contributor - PrefixToKey
<PersonName>Dirkjan van Ittersum</PersonName>

It is the responsibility of the web shop to comply with this standard and parse the <PrefixToKey> field.

Abridged / unabridged

The ONIX contains the <EditionType> element which refers to either abridged (content has been shortened in relation to the original book) or unabridged content.

There are 2 possible values for <EditionType> supported:

  • ABR  Abridged
  • UBR  Unabridged

Language codes

All audiobooks contain the language code for the text <LanguageRole> 01 and spoken language <LanguageRole> 08, which are always identical. Most translated audiobooks also contain the language code for the original language <LanguageRole> 02.

Example for Dutch spoken audio book:
Example for Dutch spoken audiobook, translated from Swedish

Duration and size values

The ONIX contains duration and size values of the audiobook files.

Duration and size values

These are the supported types and units:


  • 09 Duration (running time) 
  • 22 File size


  • 06 seconds (integer value)
  • 16 Hours minutes seconds (HHHMMSS)
  • 19 Mbytes (integer value)

Subject metadata

The ONIX can contain up to four different subject elements: NUR (Dutch), BISAC (international), Thema (international) and keywords. All titles contain at least one NUR and one BISAC value. Thema values and keywords are optional. A growing number of titles will be supplied with Thema subject metadata.

ONIX elements
 <MainSubject/> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>32</SubjectSchemeIdentifier>
The NUR value of 332 is an example. The valid NUR range is 200 to 999. More info about NUR can be found here: https://www.isbn.nl/uploads/images/NUR-lijst-versie-2011.pdf
Multiple NUR values are supported. The main NUR subject has the tag <MainSubject/>.
Multiple BISAC values are supported. The main BISAC subject has the tag <MainSubject/>.

The ONIX elements for Thema supports multiple values of the <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 and 98.
 <SubjectHeadingText>chicklit;dochtertje becky;engels;feel-good roman; 
rebecca bloomwood;shopaholic;sophie kinsella</SubjectHeadingText>
The ONIX element for Keywords uses <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> 20. Different keywords
are separated by a ; character.

Short and long description/annotation

The ONIX metadata contains two different descriptive texts for every audiobook: a short one (max. 200 characters, no HTML) and a long one (no limitations). 

The short text (Short description/annotation) can be used for hitlists, SEO, mobile, social media, popups, alt-tags, and other situations where there is no space for a long text.

The ONIX element for short text is defined by <TextType> 02:

Short text
   <Text><![CDATA[In 'Oorsprong' houdt Robert Langdon zich bezig met de vragen: Waar komen wij vandaan en waar gaan wij naartoe? Vol moderne kunst, innovatieve technologie, religie en geschiedenis.]]></Text>
     <Date dateformat="00">20171003</Date>

The long description is defined by <TextType> 03:

Long description
  <Text textformat="02"><![CDATA[In Oorsprong van Dan Brown keert Robert Langdon weer terug om een van de grootste mysteries in zijn carrière op te lossen.

Robert Langdon, hoogleraar kunstgeschiedenis en symboliek, is te gast in het hypermoderne Guggenheim-museum in Bilbao, voor een belangrijke onthulling die de wetenschap voor altijd zal veranderen. De gastheer van de avond is Edmond Kirsch, een veertigjarige miljardair en futuroloog wiens oogverblindende hightech uitvindingen en gewaagde uitspraken hem wereldberoemd hebben gemaakt. Maar de zorgvuldig georkestreerde avond barst plotseling uit in chaos, waardoor Kirsch’ waardevolle ontdekking voorgoed dreigt te verdwijnen.
Samen met de elegante museumdirecteur Ambra Vidal vlucht Langdon naar Barcelona, waar ze een spoor volgen dat ze uiteindelijk oog in oog zal brengen met Kirsch’ schokkende

Image assets

In <SupportingResource>, the ONIX contains 2 references to image assets for the audiobook cover, using <FeatureNote> large and thumb. The images itself are supplied as jpg files.

The large cover image has a minimum resolution of 1024 x 1024 px (jpg, RGB), but sometimes higher resolutions (up to 3000 x 3000) are available. The size of the thumb cover image asset is always 512 x 512 px (jpg, RGB). It is the responsibility of the web shop to resize the cover images.

All images are served from the endpoint https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/. They must be downloaded and cached by the web shop. Hotlinking to the assets server is not supported.

Example for the lager image asset
  <ResourceLink datestamp="20200129T104331">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/cover/c2e347e7-7f60-47c3-876d-1adb2005ba81</ResourceLink>
    <Date dateformat="00">20200903</Date>

Sample audio file asset

In <SupportingResource>, the ONIX contains a reference to an audiobook sample file. It is allowed to use this sample file for promotional purposes. The sample file is supplied in mp3 format, 96 / 128 / 192 / 256 kbps, CBR/VBR, (joint) stereo. The audio length is usually 1 to 5 minutes. In most cases the sample is hand-picked by the studio. However, in some cases, the sample is auto generated.

All samples are served from the endpoint https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/. They must be downloaded and cached by the web shop. Hotlinking to the assets server is not supported.

Sample audio file asset
  <ResourceLink datestamp="20200903T110746">https://assets.luisterhuis.nl/sample/377dfd1e-731a-4047-8040-ee051231f2b1</ResourceLink>
   <Date dateformat="00">20200129</Date>

Content Detail

The "ContentDetail" element is used in metadata to provide information about the content items in an audiobook, including any chapter or scene titles. This is important for organizing and categorizing the content as well as for helping listeners find the parts they are looking for.

  1. The ContentDetail block consists of multiple ContentItem elements, with each element representing a part of the table of contents.
  2. Each ContentItem element has a LevelSequenceNumber, which indicates the hierarchical position of the corresponding part in the table of contents (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.). 
  3. Within the ContentItem element, there is the AVItem element, which contains an AVItemType with a value of "03".
Example ContentDetail
        <TitleText>Hoofdstuk 1</TitleText>
        <TitleText>Hoofdstuk 2</TitleText>

Related products (ISBN) and related works (NSTC)

The ONIX feed can contain Related products. These products refer to the same work as the audiobook but with a different ProductForm. The supported ProductRelationCode is: 13 (= Epublication based on print product).

Example ONIX elements for Related ISBNs

In addtion, CB assigns a unique work identifier called NSTC (Netherlaends Standard Text Code) to every work published in the Netherlands and Flanders. All product forms of a specific book (hardback, paperback, ebook, audiobook) have the same NSTC, which allows a web shop to group the different product forms of the same book. This value is less relevant for web shops that only offer audiobooks.

The ONIX contains a reference to the NSTC as follows

Product availability

The value of the element <ProductAvailability> defines whether or not an audiobook product is allowed for sale / use or not. The ONIX contains a reference to the <ProductAvailability> as follows:

Product availability

There are 3 possible values for <ProductAvailability>:

  • 10 Announced (this includes a future SupplyDate)
  • 20 Available
  • 40 Withdrawn

It is the responsibility of the web shop client to comply with this standard, parse the <ProductAvailability> field, and show or take down the title when necessary.

The audiobook may be enabled for sale only when <ProductAvailability> is 20 As soon as the <ProductAvailability> value changes to 40, the title needs to be disabled for sale in the web shop.

Behaviour of Announcements:

  1. For audiobooks where the CB Online life cycle is set to ‘Aangekondigd’ (Announced), the ONIX element <ProductAvailability> will contain 10 and <PublishingStatus> will contain 02.
  2. The expected delivery date of the complete audiobook (Expected availability date) is passed through <SupplyDate> and the <SupplyDateRole> with the value 08.
  3. The formal publication date is specified in <PublishingDate> with a <PublishingDateRole> 01.
  4. As soon as the life cycle in CB Online is set to 'Verschenen’ (Available), the element <ProductAvailability> will contain 20 and <PublishingStatus> will contain 04. <SupplyDate> with a <SupplyDateRole> 08 will then contain the delivery date of the complete audiobook (Expected availability date).
Example ONIX elements for an announcement
   <Date dateformat="00">20221005</Date>

  <Date dateformat="00">20221103</Date>


  • The publication date in the ONIX (<PublishingDate> with <PublishingDateRole> 01) may differ from the actual publication date, because of the following: if Bureau ISBN has not yet carried out the editorial check, the publisher can modify the publication date and updates will be specified in the ONIX for resellers. After Bureau ISBN has carried out the editorial check, the publication date is fixed. If in doubt, contact the publisher.
  • Announced audiobooks will not always have an audio sample, cover image, and/or sales price. The description and subject classification may also still be incomplete. As soon as the title has been published (<ProductAvailability> 20) there is always an audio fragment and cover image available, and the metadata has been checked and complete.
  • Orders for announced audiobooks will not be processed. These orders give an error. The web shop must therefore make its own provision for the possible registration of pre-orders. Orders will only be processed for audiobooks with a <ProductAvailability> 20.

Price fields and territorial restrictions

Luisterhuis provides at least a single RRP (recommended retail price) in the ONIX. The ONIX contains the correct RRP and special sale price (temporary discounted prices, with start and end date) as supplied by the publisher for this specific web shop. There are no ‘fixed book prices’, so it might be possible that the prices will differ between different web shops. Please note: the current (reduced) VAT percentage for digital audiobooks in The Netherlands is 9% and in Flanders is 6%.

Special sale prices (temporary discounts) are supported with <PriceType> 11 and 12 using  <PriceDate> <PriceDateRole> 14 and 15 to define the period.
