General information CB webservice

General information CB webservice

General webservice information


The content/body in the request and the response has to be / will be in json format.


Supported SSL/TLS protocols 

TLS ProtocolsTLS1.2



CB uses message level authentication based on header parameters “UserName” and “Password”. These will be provided when you sign up for this service at CB.

Response messages

If a webservice is technical able to process, it will respond with a HTTP status 200. The response can contain a message with additional information. It can be an error (MessageType “E”) in case it wasn’t possible to supply a functional answer or additional explanation/information about the answer (MessageType “I”).

A message contains of:

A message contains of:
MessageTypeE or I
MessageCodeformat XXX-99999
MessageTextTextual information/reason

The following generic error (E) messages are defined:

WMS-00002Invalid username/password combination
WMS-00004Not authorized to use this service
WMS-00005No username and/or password provided by the caller
EBS-11000Something went wrong in processing the request
EBS-11001Something went wrong in processing the request

Optional parameter

For any optional attribute one of the following options applies:

  • be filled with the correct value
  • be left out
  • be filled with “” (read empty)

An optional parameter may therefore never be filled with the value null.