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(Web) shops selling physical products to their customers place great value in fulfilling their client commitments. Important aspect is understanding the currently available stock. On this basis, the (web) shop is able to provide their customers with the correct delivery indication.
Include Page | ||||
title | Click here for Physical products for testing purposes |
Articles available for test | ||||
ISBN | Titel | DiscountCode | ProductAvailability | Stock YES/NO |
9789029511537 | MediaOrderB2C Title 1 | A | Reprint/Herdruk | NO |
9789029585071 | MediaOrderB2C Title 2 | A | Announced/Aangekondigd | NO |
9789063055998 | MediaOrderB2C Title 3 | O | Not available/Uitverkocht | NO |
9789045119731 | MediaOrderB2C Title 4 | S | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789045119755 | MediaOrderB2C Title 5 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789025307349 | MediaOrderB2C Title 6 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789025308339 | MediaOrderB2C Title 7 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789025309640 | MediaOrderB2C Title 8 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789025309954 | MediaOrderB2C Title 9 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789029505598 | MediaOrderB2C Title 10 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789029506182 | MediaOrderB2C Title 11 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789029506335 | MediaOrderB2C Title 12 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
9789029506885 | MediaOrderB2C Title 13 | A | In stock/Verschenen | YES |
ONIX file with Product records: Testarticles-ini-1van1_onx.xml |
Volume limits and performance requirements