Table of Contents |
In dit document wordt de webservice MediaOrderB2C toegelicht. Deze webservice is ontwikkeld met REST/JSON. In REST wordt gebruik gemaakt van Resources en Operaties. Een resource kan gezien worden als object, een operatie als activiteit op een object. De volgende resources zijn onderkent:
(activiteit op een object)
Het versturen van een bestand (PDF) dat als bijlage aan een order gekoppeld is.
Het bestand wordt bij het gereed maken van de zending geprint en bijgevoegd in de doos. Het PDF bestand dient voorafgaand aan de order door CB ontvangen te zijn.
Opmerking: Deze operatie is nog niet beschikbaar.
Het versturen van een order naar CB.
De bestelling. Bij ontvangst van de order wordt een basis validatie uitgevoerd, indien er geen uitzonderingen zijn aangetroffen zal de order als ontvangen opdracht wordt vastgelegd en wordt er als reply een bevestiging naar de klant gestuurd.
Het opvragen van de status van de door de klant ingediende order.
Bij vooraf gedefinieerde statusveranderingen van een order (events) wordt een notify signaal naar de klant gestuurd, operatie notifyOrder. De klant kan vervolgens de gedetailleerde orderstatus bij CB opvragen. De orderstatus geeft informatie van de gehele oorspronkelijk ingediende opdracht.
Het opvragen van de levereenheden waarin de door de klant ingediende order is verstuurd.
Ten behoeve van een volledigheidscontrole kan de klant een overzicht van alle shippingunits/levereenheden opvragen waarin de artikelen van de order in verstuurd zijn.
Opmerking: Deze operatie is nog niet beschikbaar.
Het annuleren van een orderregel.
De klant kan een order of een orderregel annuleren, dit kan tot het moment dat de order gereed gemaakt wordt voor distributie.
Het melden dat er een shippingunit/levereenheid aan de vervoerder overgedragen is.
Voor elke levereenheid die klaar staat voor verzending wordt een notify signaal naar de klant gestuurd. De klant kan vervolgens de details van de levereenheid bij CB opvragen, operatie getShippingUnit.
Het opvragen van details van een shippingunit/levereenheid. In de details is per artikel een referentie naar de relevante orderregel opgenomen.
Het opvragen van orders die gedurende het maintenance window zijn geparkeerd en nog niet zijn verwerkt.
De klant krijgt bij indienen van de order een bevestiging dat de order ontvangen is. ??? Vraag Wilma: wordt er wel direct bij placeOrder een ontvangstbevestiging teruggegeven?
Waardes voor lijsten
De webservice operaties gebruiken Engelse termen en human readable waardes voor lijsten.
title | Klik hier voor overzicht met gebruikte termen voor lijsten in de webservice |
ShipmentDate = systeemdatum + 1
<geen datum opgegeven>
ShipmentDate > systeemdatum + 1
De webservice operaties gebruiken Engelse termen en human readable waardes voor lijsten. In onderstaande tabel zijn de gebruikte termen voor lijsten in de webservice gemapped naar de termen in de database.
ShipmentDate = systeemdatum + 1
<geen datum opgegeven>
ShipmentDate > systeemdatum + 1
Downloadable yaml files
- MediaOrderB2C v0.9.8.yaml
- MediaFile v0.9.0.yaml
- MediaOrderNotify v0.9.4.yaml
- MediaShipmentB2C v0.9.1.yaml
- MediaShipmentNotify v0.9.3.yaml
- MediaShippingUnit v0.9.2.yaml
Collapsable codeblock met MediaOrder2C v0.9.8.yaml
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
swagger: "2.0"
title: "Media order API"
version: "0.9.8"
description: "API for e-commerce orders of physical books at CB
changelog version 0.9.6 to version 0.9.7
- Update date pattern to [0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]
- Add pattern for OrderId and OrderLineId
- Add PartialCancellation indicator in cancelOrderLine operation
- Remove OrderResponse from placeOrder operation
- Update http response 200 to 204 for placeOrder operation
- Refer to UTF-8 characterset
- Exclude # from input for strings
- Add exclusive Maximum for amounts
- Sales amount max 10000
changelog version 0.9.7 to version 0.9.8
- Changed cancelOrderLine operation from delete to put
- Changed http response 200 to 204 for cancelOrderLine operation
- Removed cancelOrderLine request body with element PartialCancellation
- Update description for operation cancelOrderLine"
basePath: "/rest/api/v1/mediaorderb2c"
- "https"
- "order"
summary: "Add media order"
description: "Place an order deliver books to a consumer address"
operationId: "placeOrder"
- application/json; charset=utf-8
- application/json; charset=utf-8
- in: "body"
name: "body"
description: "Order placed for shipment of a physical book"
required: true
$ref: "#/definitions/Order"
- in: "header"
name: "UserName"
description: "The username"
required: true
type: string
- in: "header"
name: "Password"
description: "The password"
required: true
type: string
description: "Request executed"
description: "Request failed"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "Not authorised"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
- "order"
summary: "Retrieve details about a media order."
description: "Retrieve status information, packaging and financial details of an order deliver books to a consumer address.
Status information is available for 1 month after the order processing is finished."
operationId: "getOrderStatus"
- "application/json"
- "application/json"
- name: "OrderId"
in: "path"
description: "The unique identification of the order for the ordering party."
required: true
type: string
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^([a-zA-Z0-9-_/ ]+)$"
- in: "header"
name: "UserName"
description: "The username"
required: true
type: string
- in: "header"
name: "Password"
description: "The password"
required: true
type: string
description: "Request executed"
$ref: "#/definitions/StatusOrder"
description: "Request failed"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "Not authorised"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "Order not found."
- "order"
summary: "Retrieve shipment details about a media order."
description: "Retrieve shipment information of an order deliver books to a consumer address."
operationId: "getOrderShippingUnits"
- "application/json"
- "application/json"
- name: "OrderId"
in: "path"
description: "The unique identification of the order for the ordering party."
required: true
type: string
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^([a-zA-Z0-9-_/ ]+)$"
- in: "header"
name: "UserName"
description: "The username"
required: true
type: string
- in: "header"
name: "Password"
description: "The password"
required: true
type: string
description: "Request executed"
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderShipments"
description: "Request failed"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "Not authorised"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "Order not found."
- "order"
summary: "Cancel one orderline in a media order"
description: "Cancel an orderline for shipment of physical books to a consumer address.
The operation cancels the quantity which can be cancelled, i.e. if ordered is 10, already delivered 3 and productionready 1, then 6 will be cancelled."
operationId: "cancelOrderLine"
- "application/json"
- "application/json"
- name: "OrderId"
in: "path"
description: "The unique identification of the order for the ordering party."
required: true
type: string
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^([a-zA-Z0-9-_/ ]+)$"
- name: "OrderLineId"
in: "path"
description: "The unique identification of the orderline within the order."
required: true
type: string
maxLength: 50
pattern: "^([a-zA-Z0-9-_/ ]+)$"
- in: "header"
name: "UserName"
description: "The username"
required: true
type: string
- in: "header"
name: "Password"
description: "The password"
required: true
type: string
description: "Request executed, OrderLine is cancelled."
description: "Request failed"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "Not authorised"
$ref: "#/definitions/Messages"
description: "OrderLine not found."
type: object
description: "An order to deliver physical books."
- OrderingPartyRelationId
- OrderId
- Parties
- OrderLines
$ref: "#/definitions/RelationId"
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderFlow"
type: string
description: "Unique order identification for the ordering party."
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Abc1234567890"
type: string
- "ShipBuyer"
- "ShipOwner"
- "ShipSecundaryOwner"
default: "ShipBuyer"
description: "The order type specifies if the order is fulfilled from stock owned by the publisher or owned by the ordering party
- ShipBuyer; the publisher is the owner of the stock, the ordering party buys the stock from the publisher.
- ShipOwner; the ordering party is publisher and the primary owner of the stock.
- ShipSecundaryOwner; the ordering party is secundary owner, use StockSelectionCode to select the stock to be used for the order."
maxLength: 20
example: "ShipBuyer"
type: string
description: "Order reference for the buyer."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Buyer Ref."
type: string
description: "Order reference for the stock owner."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Owner Ref."
type: string
description: "The template definition to be used for packling slip, (customer) invoice and greeting card printed by CB and included in the shipment."
maxLength: 1
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "B"
$ref: "#/definitions/Shipment"
$ref: "#/definitions/Parties"
$ref: "#/definitions/PackingSlipInstructions"
$ref: "#/definitions/GreetingCardInstructions"
$ref: "#/definitions/AddressLabelInstructions"
$ref: "#/definitions/VASInstructions"
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderLines"
$ref: "#/definitions/Attachments"
type: object
"The requested order execution moment or period
Within Shipment either ShipmentDate or ShipmentPeriod can be supplied (if both are supplied, then the request is rejected).
If neither ShipmentDate nor ShipmentPeriod is specified then the order is executed as next-day-shipment request."
type: boolean
default: false
description: "Indication whether products must be shipped in one package/shipping unit or it is allowed to ship in multiple packages
true; multiple packages allowed.
false; one package."
example: false
type: string
description: "The desired transport for the order. A customer can agree to a default means of transport. This means of transport will then be used if no means of transport has been specified. If a means of transport has indeed been specified, it overrules the default means of transport."
maxLength: 5
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "TNTS"
type: boolean
default: true
description: "Indication to ship the order in one or multiple shipments.
- true; Available EAN are shipped at the requested shipment date. The order may be delivered in multiple shipments and incomplete shipment is permitted (is also linked to BackorderIndication on line level).
- false; The order must be delivered in one shipment, incomplete shipment is not permitted. Shipment waits until all EAN in the order are available.
- true; Within the requested period EANs are shipped immediate when stock is available.
- false; Within the requested period the order is shipped when all EAN are available. If not shipped at the end date, then available EAN are shipped at the end date and remaining EAN are cancelled or put in backorder (based on ordering party configuration)."
example: true
$ref: "#/definitions/ShipmentDate"
$ref: "#/definitions/ShipmentPeriod"
type: object
description: "Requested date for shipment. CB will schedule on or a.s.a.p. after this date, depending on title availability and carrier agreements."
- Date
type: string
maxLength: 10
description: "Specific date for requested shipment type. The order must be received before the agreed cut-off time (on a working day) so that it can be produced on time. Orders received after the cut-off time will be produced one working day later. The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
example: "2019-10-14"
type: object
description: "Requested period for shipment. CB will schedule the shipment in or a.s.a.p. after this period, depending on title availability and carrier agreements. Either From, Till or both must be provided."
type: string
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
example: "2019-11-01"
description: "Start of requested shipment period. The order will not be shipped before this date. If not specified, the order will be shipped as soon as possible. The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
type: string
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
example: "2019-11-08"
description: "End of requested shipment period. The order will be shipped before or a.s.a.p. after this date. Depending on the EndOfPeriodShipment either the available items are shipped on this date or the order is cancelled. The maximum ShipmentPeriod is 3 months. The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
type: array
description: "Address and contact information for order delivery."
$ref: "#/definitions/Party"
minItems: 1
maxItems: 3
type: object
description: "A party or specific address/contact for order delivery."
- PartyType
- Address
type: string
- "ReceiverAddress"
- "DropSiteAddress"
- "InvoiceAddress"
default: "ReceiverAddress"
description: "Specification of the party
- ReceiverAddress; mandatory address of the consumer and the regular address to deliver the books.
- DropSiteAddress; an optional alternative address to deliver the books.
- InvoiceAddress; an optional alternative address for the consumer invoice. Available only if CB generates the consumer invoice."
maxLength: 20
example: "ReceiverAddress"
type: string
description: "Identification of the party."
maxLength: 35
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "123456"
$ref: "#/definitions/Address"
$ref: "#/definitions/Contact"
type: object
description: "Postal address of a Party."
- Name
- Street
- HouseNumber
- PostalCode
- City
- CountryCode
type: string
description: "Name."
maxLength: 45
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "TestBookShop"
type: string
description: "Attention name."
maxLength: 42
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Tinus Test"
type: string
description: "Name of the street."
maxLength: 43
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Erasmusweg"
type: string
description: "Addition to name of the street."
maxLength: 24
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Erasmusweg"
type: integer
format: int32
description: "Housenumber."
minimum: 0
maximum: 999999
example: 10
type: string
description: "Housenumber addition."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "A"
type: string
maxLength: 10
description: "Zipcode."
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "4104 AK"
type: string
maxLength: 40
description: "Name of the city."
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Culemborg"
type: string
maxLength: 40
description: "Name of the region."
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Gelderland"
type: string
format: iso-3166
description: "2 Letter country code in iso 3166-1 format."
example: "NL"
type: object
description: "Party contact information."
type: string
description: "Email address."
maxLength: 254
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: ""
type: string
description: "Phone number."
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "0123456789"
type: string
description: "Mobile phone number."
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "0612345678"
type: boolean
default: false
description: "Indication that the customer must be informed when the order is delivered at the drop site address."
example: false
type: object
description: "Packing Slip instruction for the order."
$ref: "#/definitions/PackingSlipAddressLines"
$ref: "#/definitions/MarketingLines"
$ref: "#/definitions/PaymentConditionLines"
type: string
description: "The header line for the packing slip and invoice."
maxLength: 92
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Uw order van 02-10-2019 Bestelnummer: 1234567890 Klantnummer: 1234567890"
type: string
description: "The payment remark for the packing slip and invoice."
maxLength: 37
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Te voldoen binnen 14 dagen"
type: boolean
default: false
description: "Indication to print an invoice document instead of a packaging slip."
example: false
type: string
description: "A description for the discount given to the consumer."
maxLength: 50
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Giftcard number 1234 5678 9012 3456."
type: number
format: decimal
description: "The discount amount given to the consumer."
minimum: 0
maximum: 10000000
exclusiveMaximum: true
example: 10.00
type: number
format: decimal
description: "The discount amount."
minimum: 0
maximum: 10000
exclusiveMaximum: true
example: 10.00
type: array
description: "The address lines for the webshop on the packaging slip."
$ref: "#/definitions/PackingSlipAddressLine"
minItems: 1
maxItems: 9
type: object
description: "Address line."
- SequenceNumber
- AddressDescription
type: integer
format: int32
description: "The printing sequence number of the address line."
minimum: 1
maximum: 9
example: 1
type: string
description: "Free address text."
maxLength: 39
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "The webshop name"
type: array
description: "The marketing text lines."
$ref: "#/definitions/MarketingLine"
minItems: 1
maxItems: 5
type: object
description: "Marketing line."
- SequenceNumber
- MarketingDescription
type: integer
format: int32
description: "The printing sequence number of the marketinglines."
minimum: 1
maximum: 5
example: 1
type: string
description: "A maximum of 5 marketing lines for the packing slip and invoice."
maxLength: 92
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Reclame boodschap voor de consument."
type: array
description: "The payment condition text lines."
$ref: "#/definitions/PaymentConditionLine"
minItems: 1
maxItems: 3
type: object
description: "Payment condition line."
- SequenceNumber
- PaymentConditionDescription
type: integer
format: int32
description: "The printing sequence number of the payment conditions."
minimum: 1
maximum: 3
example: 1
type: string
description: "A maximum of 3 payment condition lines for the packing slip and invoice."
maxLength: 152
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Op alle aanbiedingen, bestellingen, overeenkomsten, etc. zijn de algemene voorwaarden van AANBIEDER van toepassing."
type: object
description: "Greeting Card instruction for the order."
$ref: "#/definitions/GreetingCardLines"
type: array
description: "The text lines for the greeting card."
$ref: "#/definitions/GreetingCardLine"
minItems: 1
maxItems: 5
type: object
description: "Greeting card line."
- SequenceNumber
- GreetingCardDescription
type: integer
format: int32
description: "The printing sequence number of the greeting card lines."
minimum: 1
maximum: 5
example: 1
type: string
description: "A maximum of 5 text lines for the greeting card."
maxLength: 156
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Concratualations to you for receiving a beautiful present."
type: object
description: "Address Label instruction for the order."
- AddressLabel
type: string
description: "A label remark to be printed on the shipment label."
maxLength: 14
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Shop: 12345678"
type: array
description: "VAS instructions for the order."
$ref: "#/definitions/ValueAddedServicesLines"
minItems: 1
type: object
description: "VAS line"
- SequenceNumber
type: integer
format: int32
description: "The execution sequence number of the instruction."
minimum: 1
maximum: 999
example: 1
type: string
description: "Specification of the instruction by means of a code."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "1100"
type: string
description: "Specification of the instruction by means of a description."
maxLength: 70
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "RETICKET"
type: string
description: "Additional information about the instruction."
maxLength: 70
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Ref: 1234567890"
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderLine"
minItems: 1
description: "The lines of the order."
type: object
description: "A line of the order, specifies the EAN that must be delivered."
- OrderLineId
- QuantityOrdered
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderLineId"
$ref: "#/definitions/EAN"
$ref: "#/definitions/BuyerLineReference"
$ref: "#/definitions/OwnerLineReference"
type: string
description: "An alternative description used for the packing slip and invoices as replacement for the titel given by the author."
maxLength: 80
example: "The real big thing after Internet"
$ref: "#/definitions/Quantity"
type: string
- "DepotDistribution"
- "OwnerDistribution"
- "SpecialOffering"
description: "Order condition to determine the handling and distribution fees
- DepotDistribution; DUD - Distributie uit Depot. Order handling according to depot conditions. The bookstore pays the handling and distribution fees.
- OwnerDistribution; DIO - Distributie In Opdracht. Order handling initiated by the owner. The owner/publisher pays the handling and distribution fees.
- SpecialOffering; AANB - Aanbiedingscondities. Order handling accoring to regular conditions. The publisher pays the handling and distribution fees."
maxLength: 20
example: "DepotDistribution"
type: boolean
default: true
description: "Indication whether it is allowed to take an order in backorder. This is particularly relevant if insufficient stock can be reserved for the orderline
- true; the orderline may be put in backorder (when available stock is not sufficient)
- false; backorder is not allowed, the processing depends on the value for PartialLineShipment
If PartialLineShipment is allowed then the available quantity is shipped and the remaining quantity is cancelled.
If PartialLineShipment is not allowed then the orderline is cancelled."
example: true
type: boolean
default: true
description: "Indication whether the orderline may be delivered in multiple shipments
- true; the orderline may be delivered in parts and incomplete shipment is permitted, for example 6 items ordered and shipment of 2 items on Monday and 4 items on Friday.
- false; the quantity of the orderline may only be delivered in one shipment. The ordering party is responsible to manage the orderline when the available quantity is not sufficient."
example: true
$ref: "#/definitions/Owner"
type: number
format: decimal
description: "The amount indicating the price (regarding 1 single unit of the SKU) and printed on the invoice."
minimum: 0
maximum: 10000
exclusiveMaximum: true
example: 25.75
type: object
description: "Orderline settings available for ordering parties with own stock at CB"
type: string
- "SecundaryOwnerStock"
- "SecundaryOrPrimary"
- "PrimaryOwnerStock"
- "PrimaryOrSecundary"
description: "Indication to determine the owner of the stock when secundary ownership applies
- SecundaryOwnerStock; Shipment from secundary owner stock, ordertype changed to ShipOwner.
- SecundaryOrPrimary; Shipment from secundary owner stock if available (ordertype changed to ShipOwner, otherwise shipment from primary owner stock (ordertype changed to ShipBuyer).
- PrimaryOwnerStock; Shipment from primary owner stock, ordertype changed to ShipBuyer.
- PrimaryOrSecundary; Shipment from primary owner stock if stock available (ordertype changed to ShipBuyer), otherwise shipment from secundary owner stock (ordertype changed to ShipOwner).
Available for stock owners only."
maxLength: 20
example: "SecundaryOrPrimary"
type: boolean
default: false
description: "The owner can set a shipment block on part of his stock. This indication is to overrule this shipment block. Available for stock owners only."
example: false
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/Attachment"
minItems: 1
description: "Documents to be printed and added to the shipment. Currently only 1 document is supported."
type: object
description: "A reference to the document. The document itself must be uploaded to CB before it is referred to in an order. To upload a file use the MediaFile service."
- DocumentName
type: string
description: "The name of the document/file. For orders only Adobe pdf files are supported. The document is limited to one double sided A4 page, maximum size is 1,1 MB. Files can be send to CB via FTP and must be available before the order processing is started."
maxLength: 100
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "MyFile_odmt.pdf"
type: object
description: "An overview of the order status. Available only for response code 200."
- OrderId
- OrderingPartyRelationId
- OrderDate
- ProcessStatus
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderId"
$ref: "#/definitions/RelationId"
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderFlow"
type: string
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
example: "2019-09-20"
description: "Order registration date at CB. The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
type: string
description: "The processing status of the order
- InProgress; the order is received and accepted.
- Cancelled; the order isn't executed.
- Warning; the order is received and accepted, however with an issue; probably in an orderline.
- Processed; the order is shipped."
maxLength: 20
example: "Cancelled"
$ref: "#/definitions/StatusOrderLines"
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/StatusOrderLine"
minItems: 1
description: "Orderline status information."
type: object
description: "Status of a specific orderline."
- OrderLineId
- EANOrdered
- QuantityOrdered
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderLineId"
$ref: "#/definitions/EAN"
$ref: "#/definitions/Quantity"
$ref: "#/definitions/StatusSpecifications"
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/StatusSpecification"
minItems: 1
description: "Processing specifications details."
type: object
description: "Processing specifcation of one (part of an) orderline."
- QuantityStatus
- EANStatus
- ProcessStatus
$ref: "#/definitions/Quantity"
$ref: "#/definitions/EAN"
type: string
description: "The processing status of the order
- New; The orderline received.
- Backorder; The orderline is accepted but stock is not available.
- InProgress; the orderline is received and accepted.
- Cancelled; the orderline isn't executed.
- Processed; the order is delivered / the orderline passed pick and pack.
- ProductionReady; The orderline is forwarded to the warehouse."
maxLength: 20
example: "Cancelled"
$ref: "#/definitions/RelationId"
type: string
description: "Owner of the shipped books. Usually the publisher of the book, sometimes the secundary owner."
maxLength: 80
example: "Noordhoff Uitgevers B.V."
type: string
description: "Expected date for shipment. The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
example: "2019-11-01"
type: string
description: "The date and time that the status is assigned. Available only for status Cancelled. The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$"
example: "2019-11-01T16:29:55"
$ref: "#/definitions/ReasonId"
$ref: "#/definitions/ReasonDescription"
$ref: "#/definitions/BackOrder"
type: object
description: "Details when the orderline is in backorder."
- BackOrderCode
- BackOrderDescription
type: integer
format: int32
description: "Indication about the reason for backorder
- 1 = Not avialable yet.
- 2 = Temporary not avialable.
- 3 = Temporary not avialable; in reprint.
- 4 = Temporary not avialable; in reprint.
- 7 = Not (yet) commercially available.
- 8 = Ordering party is temporary blocked for shipment."
minimum: 1
maximum: 9
example: 3
type: string
description: "Description about the reason for backorder."
maxLength: 80
example: "Tijdelijk niet leverbaar; in herdruk."
type: string
description: "Expected date for release provided by the publisher. Available for reprint only (BackOrderCode value 3 and 4). The value is based on CEST, Central European Summer Time."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
example: "2019-09-25"
type: object
description: "An overview of the shipping units for an order. Available only for response code 200."
- OrderId
- OrderingPartyRelationId
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderId"
$ref: "#/definitions/RelationId"
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderShippingUnits"
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/OrderShippingUnit"
minItems: 1
description: "Shipped packages for an order."
type: object
description: "A shipped package."
- ShippingUnitId
type: string
description: "The unique identification of a shipping unit, which is an envelope, box or pallet."
maxLength: 35
example: "Abc1234567890"
type: string
description: "The unique identification of the order for the ordering party."
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Abc1234567890"
type: string
description: "Unique orderline identification within the order for the ordering party."
maxLength: 50
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "Line 1"
type: integer
format: int32
description: "Optional order flow for the ordering party (stroomnummer)."
minimum: 0
maximum: 99
example: 2
type: integer
format: int32
description: "Identification of a CB business relation."
minimum: 6000000
maximum: 9999999
example: 7654321
type: string
description: "Identification of the physical book, the ISBN."
maxLength: 13
pattern: "^[0-9]{13}$"
example: "9789086872701"
type: integer
format: int32
description: "The quantity for this EAN. The maximum of 977 is to prevent typo's with ISBN numbers (which start with 978)."
minimum: 1
maximum: 977
example: 1
type: string
description: "The orderline reference for the buyer."
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[^#]*$"
example: "BuyerLnRef"
type: string
description: "The orderline reference for the stock owner."
maxLength: 10
example: "OwnerLnRef"
type: integer
format: int32
description: "Indication of the reason for status C or W."
minimum: 1
maximum: 999
example: 201
type: string
description: "Description of the reason for status C or W."
maxLength: 255
example: "Artikel is niet leverbaar (titel zal niet verschijnen)"
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/Message"
type: object
description: "Explanation of the error situation that caused the request to fail."
- MessageType
- MessageCode
- MessageText
type: string
- "E"
- "I"
"Functional message
* E - Error. The web service did not lead to a possible functional reply. There is a fault in the request.
* I - Information. The web service did lead to a functional reply. However, this functional reply may require further explanation."
example: "E"
type: string
description: "The code of the error."
example: "WMS-00001"
type: string
description: "Explanation of the error."
example: "Invalid length for password."
title | Klik hier voor Algemene informatie webservice Media en het servicelevel |
Table of Contents |
CB Media Interface Description
Date | Description |
| Added extra information authorisation: “Basic ”||"Base64 encoding of username and password joined by a single colon : " |
| Media Order B2C: Yaml file version 1.3.0 Changelog version 1.2.0 to version 1.3.0:
MediaShipment: Yaml file version 1.0.0 version 1.1.0 Changelog version 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0:
| Authentication notify services, CB supports:
| Test and order simulation added |
| Add Tag matrix for Green and Standard option |
| Update yaml file MediaOrderNotify v.1.0.2.yaml |
| Update generic error messages |
| Align with updated order notifications |
| Update yaml file MediaOrderB2C v1.2.0.yaml |
| Update MediaOrderB2C version Correct resource for notifyOrder and notityShipment |
| Update yaml versions |
| Add volume limits and error messages; Correct typo in process flow diagrams |
| Add flows and sequence diagrams |
| Add operations |
| Initial document |
This document contains a description of the standard interfaces for implementation of data exchange with CB via webservices.
The entire set for the standard data exchange with CB consists of the following documents and files: | ||||||||||||
The mapping from file based to webservice based messages | ||||||||||||
Tag matrix for Green and Standard option | ||||||||||||
CB has two options for submitting e-commerce orders:
| ||||||||||||
yaml definition files | An OpenAPI Specification file (yaml) for each resource | ||||||||||| Contains PUT (cancel), GET (status) and POST (place order) | ||||||||||||
Overview webservices
This chapter gives an overview of the available interaction patterns for data exchange with CB. The figure below gives an high level overview of the CB system landscape and the available webservice operations.
CB provides REST based webservices. In REST operations define the available activities.
The webservices provide online creation and cancelation of media orders at CB. Changes to an order (other than cancel) are not available. Resending an order is possible only when the order was not accepted by CB earlier.
Webservices are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, however order handling is restricted to warehouse working hours. Our regular maintenance window is on Saturday from 08:00 hours until 14:00 hours. The webservice operations are available during this time, but received requests are stored only (i.e. not validated nor processed at that moment) when our ERP systems are not available. Processing will resume as soon as our ERP systems are available again..
File versus Webservice
Communication about orders is based on the receiving channel, i.e. file base communication is used for orders received via file based interfaces and webservice communication is used for orders received via the webservice.
Orders are processed independent from the receiving channel.
Mapping batch files versus webservice operations | |
OPDNAW | placeOrder |
ANNOPD | cancelOrder |
UITOPD | notifyOrder / getOrderStatus + notifyShipment / getShippingUnit |
NUITOP | notifyOrder / getOrderStatus |
Webservice requests are processed realtime, i.e. an order is registered immediately when the webservice call is executed. Order processing at CB is based on scheduled processes and not primarily triggered by the webservice request.
Responses to the requester are send in Near-Realtime (NRT) with an average delay of 2 to 3 minutes. The regular maximum delay is 5 minutes, in exceptions running up to 10 minutes. During this timeframe the orderstatus has reached a status that is not yet reported to the requestor.
Webservice requests are limited to a maximum of 10 requests per service per second per requestor.
The media webservices comply with the generic CB webservice performance requirements:
- Average response time within 2 seconds during prime-time (08:00-01:00 CET)
- Response within 3 seconds for 99,95% of the requests during prime-time
- Response within 6 seconds for 99% of the requests outside prime-time
Webservice name: | MediaOrderB2C |
Definition: | MediaOrderB2C.yaml |
Resource: | Orders |
Operations provided by CB: | |
placeOrder | Send one (1) order to CB |
cancelOrderLine | Cancel one (1) orderline |
getOrderStatus | Retrieve the status of one (1) order |
Webservice name: | MediaOrderNotify |
Definition: | MediaOrderNotify.yaml |
Resource: | Notifications |
Operations provided by you: | |
notifyOrder | CB calls your webservice to inform you about status updates of an order |
Authentication mode | CB supports:
Webservice name: | MediaShipment |
Definition: | MediaShipment.yaml |
Resource: | ShippingUnits |
Operations provided by CB: | |
getShippingUnit | Retrieve the shipment information for a shipping unit |
Webservice name: | MediaShipmentNotify |
Definition: | MediaShipmentNotify.yaml |
Resource: | Notifications |
Operations provided by you: | |
notifyShipment | CB calls your webservice to inform you about a shipment for your order |
Authentication mode | CB supports:
Process flows
This chapter contains the identified flows when using webservices to order physical books at CB. The most common and regular scenario is describes in the happy flow. In addition 7 frequent scenarios are described in alternative flows.
Happy Flow
The customer orders one or more products, stock is available and the order is shipped in one shipment.
Flow description:
- The customer puts one or more products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder
- CB verifies and accepts the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event In Progress
- CB assigns stock to the order
- CB prepares for logistic processing of the order. Cancellation of the order is not possible anymore, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- The shop can retrieve the order process status to see which orderlines are ready for production and cannot be cancelled anymore
- CB executes pick and pack for the order and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer.
Alternative Flow 1 – multiple shipments
The customer orders multiple products and stock is available for all products. At pick and pack multiple shipping units are created. The order is shipped in multiple shipments.
Flow description:
- The customer puts multiple products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder
- CB verifies and accepts the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event In Progress
- CB prepares for logistic processing of the order. The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- The shop can retrieve the order process status to see which orderline(s) are ready for production and cannot be cancelled anymore
- CB executes pick and pack for orderline 1 and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer
- CB executes pick and pack for orderline 2 and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer
Alternative Flow 2 – multiple shipments due to partial backorder
The customer orders multiple products and stock is available for at least one product. Also at least one product is in backorder. The order is shipped in multiple shipments.
Flow description:
- The customer puts multiple products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder
- CB verifies and accepts the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event In Progress
- CB prepares for logistic processing of orderline 1. The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- The shop can retrieve the order process status to see which orderline(s) are ready for production and cannot be cancelled anymore
- CB executes pick and pack for orderline 1 and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer
- CB received stock for orderline 2, assigns stock and prepares for logistic processing of orderline The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- The shop can retrieve the order process status to see which orderline(s) are ready for production and cannot be cancelled anymore
- CB executes pick and pack for orderline 2 and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer.
Alternative Flow 3 – customer cancellation
The customer orders one or more products, but decides to cancel the order shortly after ordering.
Flow description:
- The customer puts one or more products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder. The operation confirms acceptance of the order
- CB verifies the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event In Progress
- The customer decides to cancel the order at the shop
- The shop forwards the cancel request per orderline to CB with the operation cancelOrderLine. The operation confirms acceptance of the cancellation
- CB informs the shop that the complete order is cancelled with the operation notifyOrder and status event Cancelled
- The shop confirms the cancellation to the customer.
Alternative Flow 4 – partial customer cancellation
The customer orders multiple products, but decides to cancel at least one of the orderlines but not all shortly after ordering.
Flow description:
- The customer puts multiple products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder. The operation confirms acceptance of the order
- CB verifies the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event In Progress
- The customer decides to cancel orderline 1 in the shop
- The shop forwards the cancel request for orderline 1 to CB with the operation cancelOrderLine.The operation confirms acceptance of the cancellation
- CB informs the shop that an orderline is cancelled with the operation notifyOrder and status event Cancelled
- The shop confirms the cancellation to the customer
- CB prepares for logistic processing of orderline 2. The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- CB executes pick and pack for orderline 2 and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer.
Alternative Flow 5 – CB order reject
The customer orders one or more products, but the order is not accepted by CB due to unknown products.
Flow description:
- The customer puts multiple products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder. The operation confirms rejection of the order
Alternative Flow 6 – partial CB cancellation
The customer orders multiple products and stock is available for at least one product. Also stock is not available for at least one product and backlog is not allowed.
Flow description:
- The customer puts multiple products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder. The operation confirms acceptance of the order
- CB verifies the order and identifies that orderline 1 is not available, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event Cancelled
- CB identifies that orderline 2 is available, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event InProgress
- The shop retrieves the order process status to see which orderline(s) are not available
- CB prepares for logistic processing of orderline 2. The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- CB executes pick and pack for orderline 2 and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer
Alternative Flow 7 – order during service window
The customer orders one or more products during the service window. Stock is available for all products.
Flow description:
- The customer puts one or more products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder. The operation confirms receipt of the order during the service window
- CB verifies the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event InProgress
- CB prepares for logistic processing of the order. The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event ProductionReady
- The shop can retrieve the order process status with operation getOrderStatus to see which orderline(s) are ready for production and cannot be cancelled anymore
- CB executes pick and pack for the order and creates a shipment. The shop is notified with the operation notifyShipment and status event Processed
- The shop can retrieve the shipment details (including tracking number and a list of products) per shipping unit and can inform the customer
Alternative Flow 8 – cancel during service window
The customer orders one or more products, but decides to cancel the order during the service window.
Flow description:
- The customer puts multiple products in the shopping basket
- The shop forwards the order to CB with the operation placeOrder. The operation confirms acceptance of the order
- CB verifies the order, the shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event In Progress
- The customer decides to cancel the order in the shop
- The shop forwards the cancel request per orderline to CB with the operation cancelOrderLine. The operation confirms receipt of the cancellation request during the service window
- CB confirms a successful cancellation of the order after the service window ended. The shop is notified with the operation notifyOrder and status event Cancelled
- The shop confirms the cancellation to the customer
Webservice operations
This chapter describes the operations including some special remarks. Webservices are defined in the English language, available values in enumerations are also in human readable English (if possible).
The operations reply with a http response code as indication of the result. Regular http codes 200 and 204 indicate a successful request, codes like 400 and 404 indicate a failure.
Error messages
When the request is not successful the response includes an error message to identify the reason. Error codes are grouped into:
- WXX The request does not comply with the yaml definition;
- WMS Authorization failures;
- WMO The request encountered a mapping error, mainly due to incorrect shipment date(s);
- WSP No body supplied;
- OMS A supplied value encountered a functional error, like unknown SKU.
The list of error codes within these groups may change in time without notice
Generic error messages
- WXX-00001 Reported field does not comply with yaml definition
- WXX-00002 Reported field is not recognized
- WMS-00001 Invalid length for password
- WMS-00002 Invalid username/password combination
- WMS-00003 Invalid service
- WMS-00004 Not authorized to use this service
- WMS-00005 No username and/or password provided by the caller
- WMS-00006 Unable to authenticate
- WMS-00007 Unable to authorize
- WSP-00013 Empty body
The operation placeOrder supports sending one order for a customer. An order can contain multiple orderlines, each for a specific title. Confirmation of the operation is provided with a http-response-code.
Check order identification (Requestor Order Id)
The identification of an order is used to check if an order already exists in the CB systems. If this is the case the new order is rejected. Only open orders are taken into account, so closed/cancelled orders are ignored.
Order type
The operation is available for order types ShipBuyer (LNAFN), ShipOwner (LNEIG) and ShipSecundaryOwner (LMEONE).
Sender and Owner
In the common scenario for media orders the sender requests CB to ship titles owned by a publisher to a consumer. This scenario identifies the publisher as owner, the sender (shop) as buyer from the owner and the consumer as receiver (and buying from the shop). An alternative scenario is secondary ownership, in this alternative scenario the sender (shop) already purchased titles from the publisher and requests CB to ship from its own stock.
Because parties where goods have to be delivered are not known by CB the PartyType “ReceiverAddress,” is mandatory and all name and address information must be provided.
Values added services (VAS)
VAS activities can be controlled by means of special handling instructions for the order.
Examples of instructions:
- Wrap the books in gift paper
- Add leaflet to the package
Available special handling instructions must be agreed upon in advance by requestor and CB.
Specific error messages
OMS-01097 Unknown SKU
OMS-01099 Duplicate OrderId
OMS-01100 Unknown ShipmentCode
OMS-01107 Unknown CountryCode
OMS-01202 Unknown RelationId
OMS-01315 Unknown SKU
OMS-01338 Unknown document
The operation cancelOrderLine supports cancellation of one orderline. Cancellation is available until the orderline is released for production (“vrijgegeven”). Confirmation of the operation is provided with a http-response-code. The operation requires the OrderId and OrderLineId as input and is available for orders entered via webservices only.
Specific error messages
OMS-01201 Unable to map sending party
OMS-01216 Unable to map OrderId
OMS-01251 Unable to map OrderLineId
OMS-01269 Unable to cancel. Orderline already processed
When the status of an order or orderline is changed a notifyOrder message is sent. This is the preferred trigger to call the operation getOrderStatus.
The operation getOrderStatus provides the status summary of the requested order. An order can contain multiple orderlines, each for a specific title. The status of every orderline is reported separately. An orderline can also be reported in multiple statuses, for instance when part of the quantity is available and ready for production and the remaining quantity is in backorder.
If (a part of) the order is not delivered, the status includes an explanation why.
The operation requires the OrderId as input and available for orders entered via webservices only.
Available statuses for notifyOrder:
- New Order is accepted after being received during the service window
- InProgress Order(line) passed validation
- ProductionReady Order(line) is ready for pick/pack in warehouse
- Warning Order processing started with an issue for at least one orderline
- Processed Order is finished with shipment
- Cancelled Order is finished without shipment
When a shipment is ready to be shipped a notifyShipment message is sent per available shipping unit. The operation getShippingUnit provides the contents of the shipping unit and the relation to order and orderlines. An order can be shipped in multiple shipping units.
The operation requires the ShippingUnitId as input.
Available statuses for notifyShipment:
- Processed ShippingUnit is ready for shipping
Include Page | ||||
Test environment
Include Page | ||||
Migration strategy from batch file to webservice
Suggested migration strategy from batch file to webservice:
- Verify technical and functional process with a live connection to the CB test environment.
- Arrange for shadow-run(s) in a combination of production and test environments,, i.e. send an OPDNAW message to the CB production environment, extract a few orders and send them via the webservice to the CB test environment. CB can verify the received data in the test environment against the production data from the OPDNAW.
- Arrange for go-live date
- Send a limited number of orders via the webservice to the CB production environment. CB can monitor the processing of these orders.
- Verify the information in the order status and shipping unit operations.
- Step-by-step increase the webservice load until the required level is reached.
- If applicable then disable the file based flow.